iFX Brokers proudly stands out in the trading industry, distinguished by its coveted authorisation as Over-the-Counter (OTC) Provider. The company's unwavering commitment to maintaining authorisation and complying with the regulatory obligations set forth by the South African Act sets it apart from its competitors. In this context, iFX Brokers can be metaphorically compared to a ship embarking on a journey of success.
To retain its authorisation, iFX Brokers diligently adheres to a strict set of requirements. This includes meeting operational capital requirements, ensuring that sufficient funds are in place in proportion to the risks associated with being a derivative provider. By doing so, the company guarantees the financial stability of both the business and its controlling body. Moreover, iFX Brokers meticulously meets the fit and proper requirements, embodying the values of honesty, integrity, and competency. The company consistently demonstrates its ability to fulfil the responsibilities imposed by the Act, just as a capable ship sail through choppy waters.
Similar to a ship diligently managing risks, iFX Brokers excels in risk management and internal controls. The company maintains comprehensive records, safeguarding both its operations and regulated obligations. Dedicated to compliance, iFX Brokers has implemented effective systems and controls, ensuring the utmost diligence in meeting regulatory requirements. Furthermore, the company upholds a robust business continuity plan, meticulously executed to navigate any unforeseen challenges.